Welcome 👋

Welcome to the Code for Australia handbook. Here's an intro to how we're using GitBook to document our work and where else you can look for information on our work.

The purpose of this GitBook is to open source our work ways and publish our policies, allowing members of the Code for Australia team and community to shape and contribute to the organisation.

The places where key information can be found within Code for Australia are:

  • GitBook (here)

    • Processes and policies which are not commercially sensitive and which we are happy to share

    • Able to be commented on and suggestions added anyone

  • Trello

    • Public boards with processes and resources for anyone who is interested in our work

    • Private boards for Base Team e.g finance, recruitment, marketing, people-related processes

    • Private boards for program specific work e.g. sprint documentation, retrospectives, roadmaps

  • Google Drive

    • Contains artefacts or instances of documents created when a Code for Australia policy or process is followed e.g employment contracts, finance reports

    • Organisational documents which are commercially sensitive and for the current team's eyes only

    • Processes and policies which we are happy to share (which are usually found and accessed through our website or GitBook)

Other places you might want to check out that have less official things.

  • Our Website and Our Blog

    • we generally share our projects, case studies, what we're working on as well as highs and lows on both channels. We also do this to a lesser extent via Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

  • Our Slack Community

    • We're very active on Slack and are always happy to connect you to people in our community or take any questions or feedback you have for us.

Last updated

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